NBMBAA Memphis – 2021 Virtual MBA Open House

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Keeping with our social distancing measures, we are focused on serving our community with our 2021 Chapter Theme: “Renew. Refresh. Reset.” In a time of uncertainty and a need for innovation this theme absolutely resonates with our dedication to education. We would like to present our Virtual MBA Open House webinar Thursday, May 20th from 6 – 7pm. The program agenda will feature Ms Jessi Daniels, a current 1st Year MBA Graduate Student, as she shares the value of a business degree during any economic situation and how now is the right time to “Renew Refresh Reset”. Following our speaker, we will feature an exclusive group of several undergraduate and graduate programs highlighting their curriculums for 5-10 minutes including Q&A. The program will conclude with a recap of the webinar and contact information for all the recruiters.

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